


Art Works 绘画作品

张明明, 女,祖籍安徽1940 年出生于四川。毕业于中国北京中央工艺美术学院室内设计系,1976年移居香港,1979年移民美国,并就学于美国华盛顿国际室内设计学院。毕业后从事商业和民用室内设计、装饰绘画和壁画。作品包括:
商业壁画:体育中心、保龄球中心、美军士兵和军官俱乐部遍布美国、韩国、日本、英国;中美 餐馆、西班牙世博美国驻西班牙领事馆


Ms. Ming Ming Cheung is a famous artist, born in 1940 in Chongqing, China. She is known for her murals, residential faux finish, and artistic design. She has worked as interior designer and artist specialized in murals and illustrations. Her work can be seen in sports and bowling centers, U.S. army soldiers’ and officers’ clubs in the United States, Korea, Japan, and Britain, restaurants, World Expo in the U.S., and the American Consulate in Spain. Her murals decorate the King Hussein Royal Palace (Jordan), King Hussein Airport (Jordan), Prince Villas of Saudi Arabia, and luxury residence in Saudi Arabia, Greece, and Lebanon. Her work in residential faux finish is shown in the Residence of the Vice President of the U.S. and Woman’s Museum of Art in Washington, D.C. She also served as Director of Art and Design for the movie “The Great Wall”. She graduated from the Interior Design Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1964. Ms. Zhang immigrated to the U.S. in 1979 after moving to Hong Kong in 1976. She studied in the International Institute of Interior Design in Washington, D.C.