![]() Art Works 绘画作品 |
商业壁画:体育中心、保龄球中心、美军士兵和军官俱乐部遍布美国、韩国、日本、德国;中美 餐馆、西班牙世博美国驻西班牙领事馆。
明明擅长描绘平常的花草,将自然中最普通的景象以独特的艺术视角展现出来。她的画法细腻,每一片叶子、每一瓣花朵都栩栩如生,仿佛能感受到微风拂过的轻柔与阳光洒下的温暖。色彩运用柔和而精妙,笔触之间透露着对生活细微之处的观察与感悟。 这样的画风既源于画家对自然的热爱,也反映了画家内心的平静与专注。这种专注,使得她能够以独到的方式将最普通的事物升华为艺术,引人重新发现日常之美。她的作品让人明白,真正的艺术并不在于描绘多么壮丽的场景,而在于发现平凡中的非凡,捕捉生活中的诗意。观赏明明的画作,不仅是一种视觉享受,更是一场心灵的洗涤,让人感受到一种远离喧嚣、回归本真的力量。 作品包括: 皇室壁画:约旦国王胡森皇宫和皇室机场、沙特阿拉伯王子别墅 民用壁画:希腊、沙特阿拉伯、黎巴嫩、美国等地区的豪宅 装饰画:美国副总统官邸、华盛顿市妇女画家博物馆 艺术指导:电影《北京的故事》 明明现已退休,定居美国维吉尼亚州,专心绘画创作及授课。 明明的故事 (.docx)
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Ms. MingMing Cheung is a dedicated and passionate painter, born in 1940 in Chongqing, China. She is known for her murals, residential faux finish, and artistic design. She has worked as interior designer and artist specialized in murals and illustrations. Her work can be seen in sports and bowling centers, U.S. army soldiers’ and officers’ clubs in the United States, Korea, Japan, and Germany, restaurants, World Expo in the U.S., and the American Consulate in Spain. Her murals decorate the King Hussein Royal Palace (Jordan), King Hussein Airport (Jordan), Prince Villas of Saudi Arabia, and luxury residence in Saudi Arabia, Greece, and Lebanon. Her work in residential faux finish is shown in the Residence of the Vice President of the U.S. and Woman’s Museum of Art in Washington, D.C. She also served as Director of Art and Design for the movie “The Great Wall”. She graduated from the Interior Design Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1964. Ms. Zhang immigrated to the U.S. in 1979 after moving to Hong Kong in 1976. She studied in the International Institute of Interior Design in Washington, D.C. | ||||||||||