

Jie Gong


Art Works 绘画作品



著有《中国灵璧石论》《中国灵璧石命名》与张金玲著《奇石鉴赏》与王晨著《灵璧石欣赏》《古今灵璧石名家名石大观》与陈民府、刁双喜、王晨著《中国灵璧石图谱》 潜心研究灵璧石文化,被誉为走动中的“灵璧石”。


Jie Gong was born in Mengcheng city, Anhui Province. He served as vice president of Chinese Viewing Stone Association, First-Class Certificated Critic for Viewing-Stone, vice president and secretary general of Chinese Research Institution of Lingbi Stone, member of Writers Association of Anhui Province, member of Artists Association of Anhui Province, vice president and research staff of Research Institution of Lingbi Stone in Suzhou College, distinguished professor of Suzhou College, Associate Editor of Journal of Chinese Lingbi Stone, Associate Editor of Chinese Lingbi Stone News, member of Chinese Cultural Alliance in America.


He has authored "The Theory of Chinese Lingbi Stone" and “The Naming Art of Chinese Lingbi Stone”. Also, he coauthored “The Appreciation for Chinese Lingbi Stone”, “The Complete Book of Best Lingbi Stones and Famous Collectors” and “Collection of Chinese Lingbi Stone” with other people. He was honored to be "Walking Lingbi Stone" in China due to his outstanding research contribution of Chinese Lingbi Stone.



电邮 Email: jiegong@gmail.com