Dora Fugh Lee 傅鐸若



Art Works 绘画作品

Watercolorist and sculptressDora Fugh Lee was born in Beijing in 1930 and began painting with thetraditional Chinese master Yan Shaoxiang at age twelve, during the Sino JapaneseWar. Lived and educated in the old city during the occupied Beijing till theend of the second World War in 1945. then the ensuing chaotic civil war spreadingout ,in1949 Dora moved with her husband Wenhan Lee toTokyo, Japan . In Tokyo she met the eminent descendant of the imperial Aisin-Giorofamily Prince Pu Ru, Xinyu Who was a friend of Dora’s grandfather. Prince Pu Ru the respected distinguishedscholar, calligrapher and painter of 20th century had Dora under histutelage while he was in Tokyo 1955-1956.

In 1957 Dora and her husbandsettled in Washington, D.C .The stately Greek architecture along the wideavenue in the nation’s Capital has an intriguing impact on Dora’s sensibility,it reminds her of the tall magnificent columns of the Forbidden City in Beijingback home. The grandeur of the capitalarchitecture and the beauty of the urban various architecture , all that evoked Dora’s new urge to depict the freshscope of her painting subject .Years of trying ,faltering and searching, whatsustain her is her teacher Pu’s encouragingwords echoing in her mind, “Now, you are a toddler but eventually you will walkall by yourself”

Eventually Dora found her wayand walked by herself. Her watercolor infused the traditional training andwestern Post-Impressionist color. Her Works celebrate themonumental and historic sites of Beijing ,New York, Washington, D.C., SanFrancisco, Hong Kong, Paris, London and many other places. Dora's unique stylehas won her many awards and ardent reviews .Her paintings can be found in theSmithsonian Institution, the Washington National Cathedral, the National Museumof Women in the Arts and chinaInstitute. New York.

In the late 69’s Dora developeda new love in sculpture and under Pietro Lazzari’s guidance she practiced thenewly learned three dimensional artform. Her bronze busts of Charles Lang Freer, founder of the Freer Gallery, canbe seen at the National Portrait Gallery and the Pearl Buck (1892-1973) bustcan be found in the Buck Foundation and the Academy of Arts and Letters. DoraFugh Lee currently lives in Silver Spring, Maryland.

傅 铎 若1930 年生于 北京,十二岁从传统画家晏少翔学画。中日战争期间铎 若在沦陷 的北京长大受教育直至1945年战争结束,及第二次世界大战。国共内战末期1949年铎 若与丈夫李文翰 移居 日本东京。在该处偶于祖父 旧友溥儒心畲先生。溥 师为二十世纪著名之文人学者、书法及画家。爱新觉罗.溥 儒是清朝皇族恭王之孙。铎 若在溥 师门下深造一年,至 溥 师返台1955-1956。

1957年铎 若及丈夫迁往美国华盛顿。首都 希 腊 式 的雄伟建 筑 沿宽阔大道而起。这使铎 若回顾着紫禁 城外的大道及雄伟的宫殿。西洋巨形以及其它市内各形建筑激起铎 若描绘的瞳 景。多年的临景图绘,渐渐 找到自己的途 境 。正如溥 师 临别给铎 若 的鼓励赠言:“你现在是刚学走道儿的小孩,有一天你定会自己独行。”

铎 若的水彩----中国传统的基础及西洋后期的印象的色彩,这于众不同的风格,为她获奖无数,佳评亦众多。在国立史密森博物馆、纽约的华美协 进 社 、华盛顿国家大教堂、以及国立妇 女美术 馆都收有她的作品。她同时也是一位杰出的雕塑家,1968年,铎 若由Pietro Lazzari 的指导 下 ,迅速地在立体 艺术雕塑方面发展,其作品查里士.朗.佛 利尔(1854-1919) 于赛珍珠(1892-1973)所塑的半身铜像,分别为国立肖 像馆于赛珍珠基金会收藏。傅氏 现住马里兰州银泉市。