Dongpei He 何东培
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Dongpei studied at SiChuan Fine Arts Institute in China from 1988 to 1992 and received a B.A degree. She also studied at its affiliate school from 1984 to 1988. She currently is living in Virginia working as a software developer. For the past 15 years, she has been teaching watercolor and Chinese painting to local communities. After coming to the United States, she has been exploring techniques combining traditional Chinese painting and watercolor. She has developed a unique style that gives a new look to the brush strokes and special effects on the rice paper, an especially absorbent kind of paper. As a working mother, her inspiration comes from observing the resilience of flowers and plants as they fight to grow, as she too fights to overcome her own challenges. Her inspiration also comes from the impact of information technology on her work and life.
1992年畢業於四川美術學院工藝美術系,獲得學士學位。 1988年畢業於四川美術學
院附中。1993年定居美國。華盛頓中華文化藝術同盟協會(CCAL)副會長. 來美國後,看到很多精彩的水彩畫,開始償試並對結合水彩和中
下信息革命浪潮對工作和生活的衝擊, 在忙碌的生活節奏中對生命和幸福的思考。
2023.6 - "Peony in Sunny Spring 3" Received an award from the National Exhibition 2023 of Sumi-e Society of America
2023.2 - "Peony in Sunny Spring 1" received 2nd place from Associate Artist Member Show of The American Artists Professional League
2021 - Solo Show 个人展覽 Art League Gallery of Alexandria-Torpedo Factory, Virginia USA
2021 - "First Sign of Fall" was selected for Art on Paper
exhibition by Maryland Federation Art "一葉知秋"入選馬里蘭藝術家聯
盟舉辦的 "Art on Paper" 展覽
2020 - "Peony In Sunny Spring" was selected for Mid-Atlantic Regional Exhibition by
Baltimore Watercolor Society "春日牡丹"入選巴爾地摩水彩畫協會舉辦的Mid-Atlantic
Regional Exhibition展覽
2018 - Organized and participated in exhibition "New Style of Chinese Painting by 5 Artists from Szechuan China"
2016 - "Winter Accompany" was selected for 3rd World Overseas Chinese Art Exhibition by All-China Federation
of Returned Overseas Chinese . "冬天的陪伴"入選中國第三屆世界華僑華人美術書法展.
2014 - "DigitalSpace-GetInReality" was selected by MFA member exhibition and won Juror’s
Choice Award "數碼時空-入世"入選美國馬裡蘭州藝術家聯盟的會員展,並獲獎"Juror's Choice Award"
2014 - Participated in CCAL Art Ehibition at San Pin art gallery in Shen Zhen China 參加中華文化藝術同盟在深
2012 - Participated in Invitation Exhibition at Xia Men museum 參加廈門博物館《龍在天涯》書畫邀請展
2010 - Participated in Ten Chinese American Exhibition at An Hui museum and Beijing Dongkui Wu gallery 參加
2009 - Organized and participated in Washington DC Chinese Painting exhibition 參加及組織了首屆大華府地區
1997 - Participated in Sumi-e annual exhibition in Virginia Beach 參加維吉尼亞海灘的水墨畫展。
1995 - Was selected by Around the Fountain Art Show in Lafayette Indiana and received 3rd prize. Same year, had
a solo show at Purdue University 在普度大學舉辦中國畫個展。同年參加拉菲葉特市的藝術集展並獲3等獎。
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