Yuming Sun  孙宇明


Yuming Sun


Art Works 书画作品

Yuming Sun is a well-known Chinese calligrapher, writer, and photographer. He was born in China and studied at Tsinghua University in the 1980’s. During that time, he served as President of the Tsinghua Calligraphy Society and was a member of the Beijing Calligrapher Association. He immigrated to the US in 1991 and currently serves as the vice-president of the Seven Seas Institute of Chinese Calligraphy.


Trained in traditional Chinese calligraphy, but wanting to add his own unique twist, Yuming Sun explored new contemporary ways to let ancient calligraphic art breathe.


First, he uses a dense composition instead of the traditional balanced columns and space. He applies this technique to every script, especially on bronze scripts. With characters connecting to each other, and brush strokes beyond the ordinary square space, he creates a new artistic freedom with an innovative visual effect.


Secondly, he introduces the layer concept to calligraphy. With overlapping thick and light inks, sometimes even combining with dropping colors, he generates not only a special visual effect, but also creates different moods within the artworks. Finally, he utilizes repeated characters to form creating shapes within his works.


Yuming Sun is also a master of seal engraving. In 2021, Xiling Seal Engraver's Society, a prestigious institute in the seal engraving field, published his solo seal album with more than 120 seal artworks.




一九六三年生于吉林长春。一九八六年毕业于清华大学,获工程学士学位;一九八八年毕业于财政部财政科研所,获经济学硕士。毕业后参与中国国家国有资产管理局的组建工作,曾任国有资产管理局团总支书记。 一九九一年移居美国后,曾在通用电器,休斯,洛克希德·马丁等公司工作,目前在诺斯洛普·格鲁曼公司任职。

孙宇明从小开始学习书法,然而并无师承,全靠自学。其书法一反长规,不是从楷而是从行书入手,临习过二王、米芾、唐伯虎多种帖后,又回到柳体楷书。在垫定了扎实的基础后,开始探索自己的艺术风格。他试图以行草为侧重点,把碑和帖的内涵溶为一体,把篆隶的结构和笔法融汇到行草中,追求一种明快、清新又生动的气韵,既反映南方的秀丽,又体现北方的雄浑。其篆刻作品从汉印出发,钻研明清各流派,并明确反映出时代气息,已达到了融古铸今的较高境界。 孙宇明对中国画史较有研究,历代名迹饱览之余,偶然动笔,亦有意趣 。



