Shiyou Zheng 郑诗友
![]() Art Works 绘画作品 |
郑诗友,1952年出生,自幼喜爱书法绘 画。少儿时就曾经获学校钢笔字比赛第一 名,记得当时作品由市少年宫送非洲坦桑 尼亚的黑人小朋友。在书法方面,少年时 期练习柳体,青年时尤其喜爱米沛的行书 和怀素的草书。在绘画上,国画,水粉画, 油画,版画(浮水印木刻)都曾尝试。出 国前曾是部队陆军29军军部美术创作员和 省大型纺织厂的美术干事,1976年水粉画作品“螺号与军号”参加了 全军美术作品展,并有多幅作品参加过军区美术作品展。来美以后, 由于职业的缘故,更多地从事印刷方面的排版设计。 Born in 1952 in China, Shiyou Zheng has been committing his life to calligraphy and painting since childhood. Winning numerous awards in traditional Chinese calligraphy, Zheng's specialties are on semi-cursive and fantasy cursive scripts. Being skilful with a wide spectrum in painting, Zheng's personal style has encompassed various genres, from traditional Chinese ink-brush, watercolor, oil painting, to woodblock prints; his watercolor paintings had especially been awarded of numerous honors in China. Since migrating to the United States, Zheng has been expanding his professional career in graphic design and art printing. |