William Wu 武福生
![]() Art Works 绘画作品 |
祖籍山西,出生福建长乐,现居美国纽约法拉盛。自幼喜爱读书写字,又适逢工 作岗位为文化馆,受其文化氛围影响,业余时间自学书法,十几年间一盆水、一把笔,于 水泥地、旧报纸上苦练,渐有起色,后因辞职,漂洋过海,迫于生计,放弃所好,间断练 字20余年。2014年回乡探亲,重新感受了中国书法的无穷魅力,始再次拾笔"温故知新”。 临古习二王,柳公权,欧阳询,文征明等。同时从汉印入手间习篆刻。 现为中国福建省福州市书法家协会会员,美国中国书法家协会会员,北兰亭美国分会成 员。 Emial:wfs335@hotmail.com Fusheng Wu's ancestors originated from ShanXi province, born in Changle of Fujian Province in China, and now resides in Flushing, NY of the U.S.A. Since I was little, I have been interested in reading and writing. Luckily, I got a job in the Cultural Center as I grew older. Under the influence of a cultural environment, I was inspired to practice calligraphy in my spare time. After a decade of practicing calligraphy on concrete floors and newspaper with nothing but a bowl of water and a writing brush, my writing skills drastically improved. But when I immigrated to the U.S.A, I had to work overtime to support my family. I was forced to quit calligraphy for over 20 years but in 2014 when I went back to China for a short visit, I experienced the infinite charm of Chinese calligraphy once again. So I picked up the writing brush after almost two decades and I began practicing with the ancient calligraphy books of Two Wangs, GongQuan Liu, Ou yang Xun and ZhengMing Wen etc. Meanwhile I also practice carving seals of Han Style alongside calligraphy work. Currently, I am a member of the Fuzhou City, Fujian Province Calligraphers Association A member of the American Chinese calligraphers association A Member of North Lanting America Email: wfs335@hotmail.com |