Bin Zhang 张斌
![]() Art Works 绘画作品 |
As a child, Bin Zhang had always taken an interest in art and began to draw and paint at a very young age. Although his engineering education lead him to a career as a research scientist, Bin’s strong passion for art has always persisted. Towards the beginning of 2002, Bin started to take art lessons in oil painting, following the classic teaching methods of traditional art academies. Since then, Bin has encountered many blessings. The internationally renowned realism painter Mr. Mau-Kun Yim, who is also Bin's friend and mentor, has played an important role in Bin’s art journey, by introducing him to methodic approaches in drawing and painting practices. Bin loves to paint landscapes. To him, expressing the adoration of the wonderful creation around him with light and shadow, line and mass, soft edge and hard edge, cool color and warm color is the most satisfying aspect of being a painter. Bin’s landscape painting style is under the influence of twentieth century tonalist painters such as Isaac Levitan and George Innes as well as contemporary landscape painters such as Michael Workman and Marc Bohne. 安徽合肥人。1990年留学美国,1997 年获得伦塞勒工学院博士学位。现在纽约州康宁公司研究部门任研究主管。受家姐画家周晓萍影响,逐渐走上美术道路。主要绘画媒介:油画。曾从师于著名油画家Steve Carpenter学习油画。后结识台湾著名画家冉茂芹,受其多方指教,打下坚实的传统西画基础。主要绘画题材:风景,静物和人物。风景画由纽约康宁的 West End Gallery 画廊代理。 画廊网站为: |